Thursday, 26 April 2018

Drama and Reader's Theatre


When teaching science or social studies, information often comes from non-fiction texts such as textbooks or worksheets. Instead of reading silently in class, or doing a round-robin style of class reading, why not try a Reader’s Theatre exercise to emit information?

Such is a strategy I used in my Gr. 6 science class, while they learned about different type of space rocks. I changed a few lines from this Reader’s Theatre script. I split the class into groups, each student took a role, and they read the script out to each other in character. After they read the script one or two times, they were to discuss the scientific concepts within the script, and then completed an diagram (in this case, but an exit card would also work.)

Not only does Reader’s Theatre have students gathering information in a different way, but also develops oral language skills, and drama skills. Student determine roles and character choices to influence the way they read their script. Choice in roles allows for students to choose their level of involvement in the script, but they are participating and listening along to the script so they are still gathering the information.

Choral reading can also be implemented into this strategy. Students can take a piece of non-fiction text and create their own reader’s theatre, choosing certain parts that are important to be said as a chorus.
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