Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Dance and Science

"You want us to WHAT?!?"

I will always remember the look of surprise when I told my Grade 6 science class to get up and dance the life cycle of a star. We had just finished reading a short paragraph explaining the how a star is born and how it dies. I quickly broke them into group and put on some ambient “space music”, and gave them 5 minutes to prepare a quick dance depicting what they read. Overall, I was quite pleased with the outcome, and there were smiles all around.

Don't Let Me Do All The Talking

I decided to do this activity last minute when I noticed my students’ eyes were glazing over. I remembered dancing the four elements, molecules, and air pressure in Dance class, and how much fun the activity was and how I remembered the content more than I did when I read about it in grade school. The lesson was inspired by the TedTalk discussing how dance could take over powerpoint presentations in the future.

If I was teaching a little longer in my placement, I would have also had my Grade 7/8 science class dance the movements of simple machines, as this class did.

It's All About the Process

Lastly, I found this particular image interesting, as it compares the creative process of dance with the creative process of engineering. This will be useful for those who do not understand the role of right-brain creativity in a left-brain subject such as science!

Further Inspiration:


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